Usually, you don’t have a problem putting on your prosthesis. But sometimes it is just a miserable experience. And for whatever reason, its fit is not as comfortable as it used to be causing them to pinch and squeeze. Here are 5 tips to help you keep a comfortable prosthesis.

How do you maintain a comfortable prosthesis fit?

  • Talk to your prosthetist
  • Keep steady weight
  • Stay on top of physical therapy
  • Carry extra socks
  • Good hygiene

#1 Be in contact with your Prosthetist

You should see your prosthetist around every 6 months or as necessary. The body is akin to changing, and especially for younger patients, changes in the body are more present. Your prosthetist can adjust your prosthesis fit to your needs should your weight or the prosthetic itself change.

#2 Maintain weight

Weight is one of the most important factors when dealing with prosthesis fit maintenance. Keep a steady diet along with healthy exercise to maintain a ballpark weight that snuggly fits your prosthetic. However, your current weight may not be the one you want. It is still important that you be in contact with your prosthetist to attack the lack of comfort due to weight.

#3 Don’t forget physical therapy

I don’t know what it is about physical therapy, but it often finds its spot on the list of things people dread the most. Physical therapy is designed to give you your strength back. And while it may not achieve in full, completing physical therapy will help to give you a sense of normalcy in everyday life.

Why is physical therapy important?

  • Provides strength to weakened areas.
  • Reduce negative effects of long-term healing
  • Increases range of mobility
  • Recover balance
  • Gain strength to remaining limbs

#4 Socks, socks, socks!

There’s no  specific time to to add socks or replace them throughout the day. It should simply be as needed. Therefore, to increase comfort throughout the day you should pack extra socks with you for use whenever you want.

#5 Good hygiene

The possibility of fungal infections due to a dirty prosthesis is very real. Make sure, if you prosthesis causes you to sweat throughout the day that you are taking the necessary steps to cleaning it. Use a rag to clear up any sweat during the day, as well as a full wash at the end of each day to keep it clear of any bacteria that might linger and cause eventual infection.

#6 Visit Dale’s Shoes

Here at Dale’s Shoes, we are nationally recognized as one of the leading pedorthic care services, specializing in shoes, footwear, onsite customization and repairs. Visit our website and gives us a call today!